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Naxcivan rabite nazirliyi tərəfindən təşkil olunan sərgi və konfranslar

Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi: The Ministry of Communications and New Technologies of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Have you ever wondered how a landlocked exclave of Azerbaijan manages to stay connected to the world? How does it ensure that its people have access to modern information and communication technologies? How does it overcome the challenges posed by its geography, history, and politics? The answer lies in the work of Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi, or the Ministry of Communications and New Technologies of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In this article, we will explore what this ministry is, what it does, and how it contributes to the development and prosperity of Nakhchivan.

naxcivan rabite nazirliyi


What is Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi and what does it do?

Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi is a state agency that is responsible for regulating, developing, and providing information and communication technologies in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The ministry was established in 1994 as a successor to the former State Committee for Communications. It operates under the authority of the Supreme Assembly and the Cabinet of Ministers of Nakhchivan. The current minister is Azer Zeynalov, who was appointed in 2019.

What are the main goals and objectives of the ministry?

The main goals and objectives of Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi are:

  • To ensure that all citizens, businesses, and public institutions have access to reliable, affordable, and high-quality information and communication services;

  • To promote the development and innovation of information and communication technologies in various sectors, such as education, health, culture, tourism, agriculture, etc.;

  • To support the integration of Nakhchivan into the global information society and enhance its cooperation with regional and international partners;

  • To protect the national interests and security of Nakhchivan in the field of information and communication technologies;

  • To implement state policies and programs related to information and communication technologies in accordance with the laws and regulations of Azerbaijan.


How did Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi come into existence?

Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi has a long history that dates back to the early 20th century. The first telegraph line in Nakhchivan was installed in 1905 by the Russian Empire. In 1918, after Azerbaijan declared its independence from Russia, Nakhchivan became part of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), which established its own postal service. In 1920,. In 1920, Nakhchivan became part of the Soviet Union as an autonomous region within the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1924, it was upgraded to an autonomous republic within the USSR. During the Soviet period, Nakhchivan developed its industry, agriculture, education, and culture. It also faced hardships such as the Stalinist purges, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and the economic blockade by Armenia. In 1991, Nakhchivan declared its independence from the USSR along with Azerbaijan and became an autonomous republic within the newly independent state of Azerbaijan.

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What are some of the major achievements and milestones of the ministry?

Some of the major achievements and milestones of Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi are:

  • In 1998, it launched the first satellite television channel in Nakhchivan, Naxçıvan TV;

  • In 2002, it established the first internet service provider in Nakhchivan, Naxçıvan İnternet Xidmətləri;

  • In 2005, it introduced mobile telephony services in Nakhchivan through Azercell and Bakcell;

  • In 2009, it implemented the e-government system in Nakhchivan, allowing citizens to access various public services online;

  • In 2010, it started the digitalization of television and radio broadcasting in Nakhchivan;

  • In 2012, it launched the first local social network in Nakhchivan, Naxçı;

  • In 2014, it opened the first information technology park in Nakhchivan, Naxçıvan İnformasiya Texnologiyaları Parkı;

  • In 2016, it inaugurated the first fiber-optic cable network in Nakhchivan;

  • In 2018, it launched the first e-commerce platform in Nakhchivan, Naxçıvan Ticarət Mərkəzi;

  • In 2020, it completed the installation of free Wi-Fi hotspots in all public places in Nakhchivan.


What are the main services and functions of Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi?

The main services and functions of Naxcivan Rabite Nazirliyi are:

  • To regulate and supervise the activities of information and communication operators and providers in Nakhchivan;

  • To issue licenses and permits for information and communication activities in Nakhchivan;

  • To develop and implement state programs and projects for information and communication development in Nakhchivan;

  • To provide postal, telecommunication, internet, television, radio, and other information and communication services to the population and organizations of Nakhchivan;

  • To ensure the protection of information security and personal data in Nakhchivan;

  • To support the development of information and communication infrastructure and equipment in Nakhchivan;

  • To promote information literacy and digital skills among the population of Nakhchivan;

  • To foster innovation and entrepreneurship in information and communication technologies in Nakhchivan.

How does the ministry provide access to information and communication technologies for the people of Nakhchivan?

The ministry provides access to information and communication technologies for the people of Nakhchivan through various means, such as:

  • Offering affordable tariffs and subsidies for information and communication services to low-income groups, students, pensioners, veterans, disabled people, etc.;

  • Establishing public internet centers, libraries, computer labs, and multimedia rooms in schools, universities, hospitals, cultural centers, etc.;

  • Providing free Wi-Fi access in parks, squares, bus stops, airports, railway stations, etc.;

  • Organizing training courses, seminars, workshops, competitions, exhibitions, festivals, etc. on information and communication technologies for different segments of society;

Creating online platforms and portals for education, health care, tourism,. Creating online platforms and portals for education, health care, tourism, culture, agriculture, etc. that provide useful information and services to the people of Nakhchivan;


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