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Review: NorthStar Reading And Writing 3 With MyEnglishLab (4th Edition)

Review: NorthStar Reading And Writing 3 With MyEnglishLab (4th Edition)

NorthStar Reading And Writing 3 With MyEnglishLab (4th Edition) is a textbook for intermediate-level English learners who want to improve their reading and writing skills. The book is part of the NorthStar series, which engages and motivates students with new and updated contemporary topics delivered through a seamless integration of print and online components[^2^].

NorthStar Reading And Writing 3 With MyEnglishLab (4th Edition)


The book consists of ten units, each focusing on a different theme, such as creativity, social media, health, and education. Each unit contains two reading passages and two writing tasks that are related to the theme and the learning objectives. The reading passages are authentic texts from various sources, such as magazines, newspapers, websites, and books. The writing tasks include different genres and purposes, such as summaries, narratives, opinions, and reports. The book also provides vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking exercises to help students develop their language skills and analytical abilities.

One of the main features of the book is the MyEnglishLab online platform, which offers additional practice and feedback for students. The online platform includes interactive student book access, student audio, video clips, written and recorded reactions, placement and achievement tests, and diagnostic reports[^2^]. The online platform also allows students to work at their own pace and monitor their progress.

The book is suitable for students who want to challenge themselves to move beyond basic comprehension to higher-level analysis[^2^]. The book exposes students to a variety of contrasting authentic genres and stimulates them intellectually. The book also helps students to express themselves clearly and effectively in writing. The book is aligned with the Global Scale of English and the Common European Framework of Reference[^1^], which means that it follows international standards of language proficiency.

In conclusion, NorthStar Reading And Writing 3 With MyEnglishLab (4th Edition) is a comprehensive and engaging textbook that can help intermediate-level English learners to improve their reading and writing skills. The book combines print and online components to provide a rich and flexible learning experience for students.

One of the strengths of the book is the variety and quality of the reading passages. The reading passages cover a range of topics that are relevant and interesting for students, such as creativity, social media, health, and education. The reading passages also expose students to different perspectives and opinions on the same topic, which encourages them to think critically and compare and contrast different views. The reading passages are authentic texts from various sources, such as magazines, newspapers, websites, and books. The reading passages are carefully selected and adapted to suit the level and needs of the students.

Another strength of the book is the integration of reading and writing skills. The book helps students to develop both their receptive and productive skills in English. The book provides clear and systematic instruction on how to approach different types of writing tasks, such as summaries, narratives, opinions, and reports. The book also provides models and examples of good writing for students to analyze and emulate. The book guides students through the writing process, from brainstorming and planning to drafting and revising. The book also helps students to improve their vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics in writing.

A possible limitation of the book is that it may not suit all learning styles and preferences. Some students may prefer more interactive and communicative activities than reading and writing tasks. Some students may also find some of the topics or texts too challenging or boring. Therefore, teachers may need to supplement the book with additional materials or activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of their students. Teachers may also need to provide more support and feedback for students who struggle with reading or writing in English. e0e6b7cb5c


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